PAX S920 Payment Terminal Battery IS1112
Condition:Brand New in the box.
Rating:4.2V 3250mAh 11.798 WH
Model Number: Bat-S920
Compatible Model Numbers:IS1112,IS486
Compatible Models: PAX S920
"Premium Compatible Battery: Ensured Performance"
Our battery, although not original, is meticulously designed to be compatible with your device. Crafted using top-quality components, it precisely aligns with the specifications of the original manufacturer. Rest assured, our battery is backed by a guarantee against all manufacturing defects, ensuring reliable performance. Upgrade confidently with our high-quality compatible solution for uninterrupted power.
Tecnical Specifications | |
Condition: | New Compatible Replacement |
Type | Li-ion |
Capacity | 3250mAh 11.798 WH |
Voltage: | 3.63V |
Other Technic Details: | Made By A grade Battery Cell(For your first use please charge for a minimum of 6 hours to prolong battery life and charging potential.) |
Compatibility | |
Compatible Models | Pax S920 |
Compatible Parts Numbers | IS1112,IS486 |
General | |
Warranty | 1 year |
Other | |
Other | This battery is not original its replacement and has been manufactured with high quality components. It conforms with the exact specification of the original manufacturer and the battery is guaranteed against all manufacturing defects. |
PAX S920 Payment Terminal Battery IS1112
- Brand: For PAX
- Product Code: bat-s920
- Availability: In Stock
This product has a minimum quantity of 10